Scribes Nikki (bottom left) and Sonja (far right) with participants at our Creative Writing Workshop in Wells. (As usual, Jan is on a chair taking the picture!)
STELLAR SCRIBES IS A GROUP OF WRITERS who love to share their passion for a good yarn. With diverse backgrounds and different routes to publication, we currently all live and work in mid-Somerset. Our books cover a wide spectrum of genres, including crime-writing, literary fiction, women’s fiction, humour and mystery. We are Jan Ellis, Nikki Copleston and Sonja Price. In the months since the group was formed, we have also been joined by a number of guests, including bestsellers Anne Randall and Maria McCann.
Our novels exist in digital and printed forms and we have experience of both traditional and self-publishing, which gives us indepth knowledge of many aspects of the book business. (And Jan is a publisher by trade!) Visit our individual pages to discover more about us and our writing.
Creative Writing Workshops
Our workshops at the Red Brick Building in Glastonbury and the Museum on Wells were very well received. Topics included plot and storyline, characterisation, dialogue and essential editing skills. There was plenty of opportunity for our scribblers to chat with us – a university lecturer, a publisher and a former librarian – and to mingle with other participants in a relaxed setting.
Visit the Workshops page to find out more and to read reviews.
We have held numerous events over the last couple of years and have more lots planned for 2020. Please use the form to contact us about talks or visit our author pages for links to individuals.